


Chromatography and purification techniques

SerColab offers an extensive range of instruments, software and services for (U)-HPLC, Fast LC, Nano-LC and On-line Solid Phase Extraction. Our systems are compatible with most used MS detectors. For preparative purification tasks we offer flexible configurations for batch, SMB, MCSGP and multi-column chromatography, up to kg scale.

With the Bioline Series you take profit from an elaborate concept for biochromatography, which is adaptable for analytical and purification tasks. Purification of proteins and biomolecules can now be done - faster, cooler, better! 

In addition to our instrument range we have the perfectly suited columns and bulk resins from all analytical (U)HPLC applications up to the purification stage of fine chemicals, bio- pharmaceuticals and biomolecules. Our experts install and service all systems with IQ, OQ and PQ certificate and provide application and method development support and training of your staff. 

Life Sciences & Microscopy

Expertise in sample preparation techniques for microscopy. We have highly respected experts in sample preparation who are happy to share their knowledge with you on Ultra-Microtomy, Cryo-sectioning, Manual and Motorized Microtomes, Glass Knife Makers, High Pressure Freezing and Tissue Processing.

Environmental control & Occupational Hygiene

Since the start of our activities we always have considered the importance of sample collection as crucial for reliable analysis results. Our product range for environmental control includes equipment for air sampling as well as accessories such as sorbent tubes, primary calibrators, sample bags, filters and cassettes to name just a few.