Tosoh Bioscience columns for screening and method development

Tosoh Bioscience columns for screening and method development MiniChrom & Toyoscreen

MiniChrom columns for TOYOPEARL and TSKgel : pre-packed columns for method development and small scale purification with most popular resins.

MiniChrom columns for TOYOPEARL and TSKgel provide:

·         Ready-to-use 5 mL pre-packed columns

·         Direct connection to common laboratory LC Systems

·         Easy parameter screening and method optimization

·         Fast small scale purification


Toyoscreen - Fast Screening and speedy Setup of Separation Conditions!

Find the right resin for your intended application by testing Toyopearl® process resins!

Toyopearl is a methacrylic polymer incorporating high mechanical stability. Resins are available as non-functionalized “HW-” series resins for SEC or derivatised with surface chemistries for alternative modes of chromatography such as IEC, HIC and AFC.