SerCoLab Newsletter - May 2021


Dear Reader,

We are pleased to welcome a new addition to our column portfolio:
the TSKgel® FcR-IIIA-5PW column from our partner Tosoh Bioscience.
In this newsletter you will learn how this will help you correlate structural and functional properties of antibodies with differences in FcγIIIa receptor affinity, a property that directly affects immune response and function.

Register for the Knauer webinar where you will get to know 
electrochemical detection (ECD) as a cost-effective and easy-to-use technique for HPLC, ULDC, and UHPLC.

We invite you to attend the next edition of Tosoh Tuesday on how to packTOYOPEARL AF-Protein Lsuccessfully at large scale.

As the official distributor for our partners in Belgium and Luxembourg,
SerCoLab is at your disposal for all your queries.

Subscribe to our newsletter and enjoy the read!

Determine low carbohydrate concentrations cost-effectively with ECD HPLC with electrochemical detection

In many applications a sensitive determination of sugars and other carbohydrates is of high interest, e.g. in biofuel research or in the food industry to determine the content of lactose in "lactose-free" products.
The UV or fluorescence detection widely used in HPLC cannot detect carbohydrates without additional derivatization, and refractive index detection is far too insensitive in some cases. 

Determination methods that require expensive equipment such as HPLC-MS or somewhat complicated ones like GC with derivatization are therefore quite frequently used for sensitive carbohydrate determinations. 

Some of the advantages of detecting carbohydrates with this technique, also called "pulsed amperometric detection" (PAD):
  • Save time: Measurement of low analyte concentrations without pre-concentration of samples.
  • Save sample: Very small sample volume required.
  • Save money: Elimination of matrix interferences by selective detection of redox-active analytes without time-consuming sample preparation. 
Learn more about KNAUER high pressure dosing pumps
Adaptable high-pressure metering pumps. Click for more »

TSKgel FcR-IIIA columns simplify Fc receptor affinity studies of antibodies

TSKgel FcR-IIIA columns are based on a recombinant Fc gamma IIIa receptor which is immobilized as a ligand on polymer particles. They separate monoclonal antibodies according their affinity to the receptor and enable a fast analysis of biological activity as well as fractionation along with biological activity.

Fractionate antibodies of different Fc receptor affinities for characterization

The FcγIIIa receptor is coupled to the stationary phase of the FcR-IIIA-5PW column and separates antibodies based on their affinity for the receptor.
The advantages
  • Separation based on a functionally relevant property: affinity to the FcγIIIa receptor.
  • Loading of up to 5 mg antibody
  • Fractions with specific affinity to the FcγIIIa receptor for subsequent cell-based assays, glycosylation analyses or binding studies.
There is no comparable column on the market.
The affinity to the FcγIIIa receptor is dependent on  the  N-glycosylation of immunoglobulins and plays a key role in antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), a mode of action of specific therapeutic antibodies. A recombinant version of the FcγIIIa receptor is coupled to the stationary phase of an HPLC column and separates antibodies with respect to their affinity for the receptor.

The TSKgel FcR-IIIA-5PW is designed for preparative applications on a laboratory scale. This allows to separate antibodies into fractions with uniform FcγRIIIa affinities and to study structural and functional differences. 

Would you like to know more?
Do not hesitate to contact us at SerCoLab.

How to pack Protein L successfully on production scale

We invite you to attend the next edition of Tosoh Tuesday on May 18, 3 pm - 3:45 pm CEST.

The upcoming 30 minute webinar in our series is dedicated to the packing of chromatography columns for downstream processing on production scale with a focus on affinity resins.
After the webinar, ask your questions during the live Q&A session.

Contact us at SerCoLab for more information about TOYOPEARL AF-Protein L.
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