SerCoLab Newsletter - August 2021


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In this edition of the SerCoLab Newsletter :
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Claind Tool
Use our tool to help you select the right solution for your Lab.
Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Zero Air generators for your analytical applications,
e.g. gas chromatography, LC-MS, TOC and many other.

FAME Compound Mix according to European Pharmacopoeia 

The Reagecon Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Compound Mixes are presented in Neat form (powder or liquid). They are available in a 5, 6 and 8 Compound mix and according to European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Chapter 2.4.22-2.

This presentation confers on the user advantages, that include flexibility in terms of matrix type and concentration of standard prepared, easier storage, safer handling and extended shelf life.
The product can be used either as a calibrant or analytical control solution for a variety of gas and liquid chromatography methods that include GC, GC-MS, HPLC and LC-MS.
This mix can also be used to validate appropriate test methods or qualify an instrument in a regulated industry.

The esterification of fatty acids is an important tool for both characterizing fats and oils and for determining the total fat content in foods and foodstuffs.
It is also an important measurement for the assessing of quality and purity of biofuels.
Water purification system - Aquinity² P35/70
The Aquinity² P35/70 system is designed for the production of pure water (< 1 μS/cm) and ultra pure water (0.055 μS/cm) out of tap water.

The system is equipped with a reverse osmosis (RO) and conditioning module to produce deionised water (DI water) into the external storage reservoir (35 L or 70 L) with a production rate of 10 L/h and an access to tap DI water directly.

Out of the storage tank the ultra pure water is produced with mixed bed cartridges and then can be tapped with a flexible dispenser.

Watch the video below for more information:
Impingement Jets Mixing Skids for high - flow production of nanoparticles (LNP, microemulsions, etc.)
Impingement jets mixing technology (IJM) enables the formulation and production of high-quality lipid nanoparticles carrying API, e.g. for mRNA vaccines.

The encapsulation process of active pharmaceutical ingredients with lipids is based on impingement jets mixing technology, where two streams collide at high velocity in a jet mixing chamber. One of the streams contains the lipids in organic solvents and the other stream the API in water.
The mixing at high velocity reduces the solubility of the lipids so that homogenous nanoparticles are formed. The quality of nanoparticles depends on the streams‘ flow stability, the mixer geometry and the fluid velocities.
As a final step, the mixture is quenched to stop particle growth.

Contact us at SerCoLab for more information.
Click on the button below to discover the different possibilities for you lab:

The LC Autosampler Lab-Automation Ready: HT4000L

Enjoy the large sample capacity, the support for a wide range of sample vessels, the application versatility, the lab automation capabilities and the possibility to implement new modules and functionalities directly in your lab. 
Be ready to review your expectation about HPLC autosamplers!

• Easy to use
• Large sample capacity
• Application versatility
• Modular and scalable
• Lab automation ready

Fits any brand HPLC and LC/MS.

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