Sample Preparation and Handling

  • SPE columns, cartridges and plates for consistent and clean extractions.
  • Vials and closures designed for any instrument and application.
  • Syringe filters & accessories

Reacti-Therm Modules

Reacti-Therm Modules

Reacti Therm Heating/Stirring Modules with fast and easy temperature control system available in four module designes to meet your exact incubation needs. Reacti Vap Evaporators attaches...

SOLA - SPE Cartridges & plates

SOLA - SPE Cartridges & plates

"SOLA" SPE cartridges and plates provide clean, reproducible sample extracts with lower elution volumes due to the unique and innovative frit-less SPE...

HyperSep SPE Cartridges & Plates

HyperSep SPE Cartridges & Plates

HyperSep Retain PEP: for polar and non-polar analytes such as drugs and metabolites in biological fluids; peptides in serum and plasma or biological fluids; environmental...

Vials & Closures

Vials & Closures

Our vials and closure portfolio includes over 850 Thermo Scientific vials and closures products designed for any instrument and any application. Click on following link to the chapter 'Vials...

Smart Digest Kits Thermo Scientific

Smart Digest Kits

SMART Digest delivers simple, robust, reproducible and fast digestion of proteins. The Thermo Scientific SMART Digest kits are designed for biopharmaceutical and proteomic...